Component checklist
Use the side panel to focus the user’s attention on a larger amount of information or actions complementing the further function of the platform.
When the side panel appears,
- it disables all app functionality and remains on the screen until the user confirms, dismisses, or performs the required action.
- it appears together with an overlay covering the whole interface (except the side panel).
- it has a close button in the top left corner.
Aim to use one side panel at a time. Exceptionally, it's possible to stack multiple side panels one over each other. However, this is not a recommended behavior.
The side panel is defined by the header, content, and actions. The header always contains a title and can be supplemented by components including select or input, among others. The content part is variable. For the action always use one CTA plus a secondary or tertiary button.
The header is a variable area containing a title and can be supplemented by components including tabs, select, input, or others. For more details, see header variations. -
The content area contains elements that the users need to interact with, for example, inputs, selects, lists of users, profiles, or labels. -
The area show always has at least one CTA button. It can be increased by secondary action, e.g. cancel or checkbox element. -
Close button
Each side panel has a close button as a default option for closing it. This button has the same function as a cancel button. -
In case the content needs to be split into more categories, you can use the navigation on the left in the side panel.
- The side panel always appears over the whole interface, even over the main navigation, and it’s supported by an underlay to increase its focus.
- It’s by default positioned to the right side of the screen and it fills 100 % height of it.
- There's an animation when the side panel appears: a 200ms Move in Right, Ease In And Out effect.
- It's possible to stack multiple side panels one over the other. However, this is an unrecommended behavior.
The side panel is dismissed when
- Pressing outside of the dialogue
- Pressing the “Cancel” button
- Pressing close button
- Pressing the ESC key
- Pressing the Enter key if the “Cancel” button is focused
The side panel is confirmed when
- Pressing the CTA button
- Pressing the Enter key if the CTA button is focused