
We use sentence case so we only capitalize the first word of a piece of text, even in headings and buttons. Avoid random capitalization in the middle of a sentence, for example, when referring to a like, post or page.

There are a few terms we capitalize; check out the chapter Terms and Vocabulary for details.

In a nutshell:

  • only capitalize the first letter of a sentence, button, headline or subheadline. The main reason for the switch is it improves the readability of the text [source].
  • Avoid random capitalization in the middle of a sentence
Hit like, send a comment connect a social media profile
  • When referring to the main parts of the Emplifi Platform, capitalize even in the middle of a sentence:
Dashboard, Analytics, Publisher, Community, Audience, Influencers, Content (Content Hub), Paid
  • Respect all brand names that must follow the company’s style:
Facebook, Instagram, Instagram stories, VKontakte
New Salesforce case, Connect to Facebook
  • For the official names of value streams or features, capitalize all the words that form the name except articles (a, an, the), coordinating conjunctions and prepositions (regardless of length).
Shop Sync, Shop Clerk, Social Care, Emplifi Listening, Salesforce for Emplifi
  • If the sentence or line starts with a cipher, it's followed by lowercase.
2 content labels have been deleted.
  • Dropdown menus start with a capital letter, even if they complete a sentence.
I want to be notified: {Every now and then/Every hour}
  • Capitalize team names
Design Team, Support Team, Product Marketing Team


Products/Value streams

For the official names of value streams or features, capitalize all the words that form the name except articles (a, an, the), coordinating conjunctions and prepositions (regardless of length).

If you're not sure about the "officiality" of the name, try to connect the name with the Emplifi. Does it sound official and unique? Capitalize it:

  • Emplifi's Shop Sync
  • Emplifi's Shop Clerk

Here's a provisional list of all value streams and products created by Product Marketing Team, check it.


Job positions

When you’re referring to a real person together with their name, capitalize the position. When you refer to a job position without being specific, use lowercase:


Luděk, Director of Design at Socialbakers

There was a conference organized mostly for directors of design and similar positions.

Reach out to your customer success manager.



Careful, the title is not the same as a headline. Titles are names of books, movies, games, ... and should be written in the title case: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, One Hundred Years of Solitude.


File types and extensions

Write file types in all capital letters: GIF, JPEG, DOC, MP4, MOV.

Example: The video formats supported by Facebook are MP4 and …

When, for some reason, you need to write a file's full name including the extension, use lowercase: setup.exe, settings.doc.