Add or Create
We use "add" for adding things that already exist (no matter if in Emplifi or the outer world).
We use "create" for creating things from scratch:
Agent, Admin, Supervisor, Client, Customer, User
Agent – real-life people who use Emplifi products to get in touch with their customers, for example, Community, Social Care or Agent
- Admin – sometimes, you may come across admin as well, but let's try to avoid this and replace it with Agent when possible
Supervisor – someone who manages agents
Client - Emplifi’s clients, our paying customers who purchased our product, an internal term used heavily, it’s rather a company than an individual user of the platform
- ⚠️❗️ Client 360 → Customer 360: a tab in Customer Care informing our clients about their customers
Customer – a real-life person who’s reaching out to our clients, buying products from them, reaching out to customer support
a) In the product, we use the word “user” to denominate social media users. An example tooltip:
You can tag relevant Instagram users in the picture
b) Emplifi platform users; we say "users" to denominate specific people from our clients’ side who use the Emplifi platform:
You can add new Emplifi users in Settings
WIP Apply labels, add users, assign labels to users
⚠️ This is tricky inside the platform and needs to be evaluated and probably edited in the Label section insides settings
Apply label to content, apply label to label group, apply a label to profile
Add a user to label
Assign a label to a group, assign a profile to label, assign a profile to a group
To Add profile label means to create a profile label (or content label or a label group)
Edit or Manage
Use edit when the user directly changes the physical attributes of an element so that it in the end looks different.
When users manage something, the changes are rather contextual than physical, like where an element lives or who’s allowed to see it.
Source: Hudl
Remove or Delete or Disconnect
In most cases, you'll be considering remove or delete. In some exceptional cases, there might be some other words to choose from.
Remove or Delete
When the removal is permanent and can't be reversed, we use delete.
When removing a social profile, we use remove. The user is removing it only from our platform, and they can add it again if they want.
When the user is about to remove another user (or another word for such) from the platform, we say Remove user. We never delete users.
However, try to avoid such combinations whenever possible.
❌ The author of this query set was removed from the platform.
✅ The author of this query set is no longer a user of the platform.
To be as clear as possible, when removing data sources, we disconnect data connections.

View or See or Show
Use view whenever possible.
Show is acceptable when used as an opposite to hide.
Use see in general, conversational descriptions without a specific call to action.
Use view whenever possible. This way you’re encouraging the marketer to go to a specific page or section for more details, or to reveal more information.
Use view in buttons, calls to action, and link text. It’s user-focused, clear, and more widely used than “see” or “show.”
Use the verb “see” in more general, conversational descriptions without a specific call to action.
Show is acceptable when used as an opposite to hide. This convention may apply for example when we have collapsible content in an interface or for showing done messages.
Show done messages
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As you can see…
Log in versus login, log out versus logout, break down versus breakdown, etc.
To log in, log out is a phrasal verb, login, logout is an adjective.
To break down is a verb describing an action that leads to a breakdown, which is a noun.
You'll need login credentials to log in to the app.
You can break data down by profile or language. The profile breakdown is only available in combination with the language breakdown.
Sorry, please, unfortunately, and the others
Do not overuse words such as sorry, please and unfortunately. Only use them when the situation is really complicated or requires extra effort from the user.
Please enter your name –> Enter your name (as an empty input error message)
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Extra resource on saying sorry: